…Hey, I want to start my own business, ‘I can’t work under someone,’ ‘I wish for work freedom’, these are a few omnipresent sentences we all have heard of. Ever wonder why all say but a few succeed in becoming an entrepreneur? Fascinated to ask what was the catalyst for this handful of people. The answer to that is they not only dream but work restlessly to get what they desire for. Yes, you too can be an entrepreneur, but before that, there are certain things you need to be aware of.
Be a Doer
“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer”, the words by Nolan Bushnell, founder Atari and Chuck-E-Cheese’s motivates one to work for the dream instead of lying down and wishing for it to happen. Remember it’s your dream, you alone have to put efforts to turn it into reality. No one else is going to grind himself up for you.
Plan out your Idea
The first and foremost thing is your idea of business must add some value to the market. Since you are the architect here, planning from tip to toe is your responsibility.
Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe’. What he meant is one must invest more time and energy in preprocessing than the actual task. You have an idea, good, that idea will add value to society, good but how? A well planned out idea will help in facing the upcoming obstacles and conquer them meticulously.

Failures will be there
Before you begin, keep in mind that there will be failures, disappointments, regrets, but not allowing anything to blur the vision is the secret to success. In your journey, every failure you face is a lesson to you. The more you fall, the more you learn and get better.
“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough”, says Elon Musk. If one wishes to be an entrepreneur one must not be afraid of failures. They are the learning steps in one’s entrepreneurial journey.

Perseverance is the Key
Truly said, ‘To triumph needs perseverance’. Victory comes to those who are committed, devoted and dedicated to their work. Which explains why the Co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs said, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” Understanding the meaning behind it makes one triumphant.
Team to travel to the end
The co-founder of LinkedIn Reid Hoffman believes in teamwork. As he stated, “No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.” You need a team of skilled professionals to build the empire of your dream. Think practically, one person can work utmost 48 hours a week but a team can work for 24*7 without wasting a single minute. Productive, isn’t it? Join hands with the people who share the vision with you.
Invest in Marketing
Without marketing your product will remain unnoticed. You have to invest in advertising to tell people why they need the product you have made, explain how it is going to add value in their life and why it is smart to spend on your brand. The clearer you are on your words, the simpler it will become to convey the message.
Sell The Product
Mark the words of Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos, “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.”
Yes, we all work to get a handsome amount of money. But to be an entrepreneur this shouldn’t be your first priority! Of course, you are not doing any charity here, the money you want will end up chasing you if your target is to achieve quality.
Success is yours
“It is always the start that requires the greatest effort”, enunciated James Cash Penney, founder and CEO J.C. Penny.
The story of Elon Musk and SpaceX is unknown to none. The motivation we get from his journey is if you are passionate about your dream, putting efforts into it, the universe will end up fabricating it for you. You aim for success and it will follow you if you give yourself no other option than to work hard.